About Work and Faith study club / 工作与信仰研习社

我们通过研读书籍来回答的问题有三大类: Why, How, What
(Click each book name below for details)

Why: are you looking for meaning in your study or work? Do you believe there is a God’s calling in your study or work?
– 工作的意义 (Every Good Endeavor)
– 国度的呼召 (Kingdom Calling)
– 受权得力、作盐作光 (Empowered to Influence)
– 双职事奉How: Do you want to get better at team work and even leading a team? Do you want to better communicate, listen, and handle conflicts?
– 赢在扭转力
– 团队协作的五大障碍:领导力的故事 (The Five Dysfunctions of a Team)
– 克服团队协作的五种障碍: 领导者的实用指南 (Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team)
– 领袖的塑造,健康的领袖 (Spiritual Leaders, Healthy Leaders)
– 和平使者解决冲突之道 (The Peacemaker)
– 倾听心声 (Listening for heaven’s sake)What: do you know your strengths? What is the best job for you?
– 找到你的优势 (StrengthsFinder)
– 找到你的特色 (S.H.A.P.E.)
– 第一与唯一
Using the principles of Rick Warren’s The Purpose-Driven Life, Rees helps you uncover your spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, personality, and experiences (S.H.A.P.E.) —attributes that uniquely define you and direct how you can best serve the Lord. Unlock your kingdom role and God-given potential, and see your life’s plan unfold before you.
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