Good Works是一个基督教非营利组织,旨在改善低收入家庭的生活条件。我们将需要维修的房子变成更温暖、更安全、更舒适的房屋;并将绝望转化为希望。我们的服务免费提供给房主,志愿者负责大部分维修。我们的愿景是消除不合格的住房,让所有房主体验耶稣基督的爱。有关我们的使命、愿景、核心价值观和信仰声明的更多信息,请参阅Good Works网站





About Good Works
Good Works is a Christian nonprofit organization which exists to improve living conditions for low-income families. We transform substandard houses into warmer, safer, and drier homes; and turn despair into hope. Our services are offered to homeowners at no cost and volunteers do most of the repairs. Our vision is to eliminate substandard housing and to have all homeowners experience the love of Jesus Christ. For more on our Mission, Vision, Core Values and Belief Statement, see the Good Works website at

Saturday Work Days

Our general workdays are the 1st Saturday in St. Peter’s Village; the 2nd Saturdays in Coatesville and Phoenixville; third Saturday in West Chester as well as Coatesville; and fourth Saturday in Coatesville. Typical projects include painting, installing windows, flooring, drywall, and insulation. Individual volunteers are led by Work Crew Leaders and Technical Advisors. To volunteer as an individual, contact the Volunteer Coordinator by phone below or email.

Appropriate clothing for workday activities is expected and necessary for your safety. You will be on construction worksites and may be indoors or outdoors. Dress appropriately for the work, the season and the weather. Long pants are recommended. The following are examples of inappropriate attire: open-toed shoes, short shorts, clothing with offensive words or graphics, tank tops, and excessive or dangling jewelry. Longer hair should be restrained in a ponytail or clip.